Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I went fishing the other day.  I hadn't been fishing in a long time.  My father taught me how to fish and in the early years of our marriage my wife, Jean, and I enjoyed sharing time fishing.  As our children came along we taught them how to fish and have fond memories of fishing on family vacations.  In my first church I had the opportunity to fish many farm ponds of Kansas' beautiful Flint Hills.  I have one fish mounted, a 7 pound bass I caught from a small farm pound.  How exciting that catch was!  It was good to be back on the shore the other day with my pole in hand, sharing some time with friends, away from stresses of life. 

I went again last night, sharing an hour again catching and releasing back some fish with a friend.  It is good to go back to what we have been taught.  It is good to pick up again some of those things we were about in earlier days.  We learn some things in life that are valuable, but to often somewhere along the line we leave them behind and never pick them up again.  My fishing license is in my wallet.  I will visit the waters again and share some time with friends and with God on the fishing bank. 

After Jesus was crucified the disciples go back to fishing and while on the sea fishing the Risen Lord appears to them.   You can find the disciples fishing trip in the 21st chapter of John.  Take a look for yourself.   Go back to what you have been taught, visit again some of the special things of life that you have left behind. 

Pr. Tim